ai voice bot

The Role of AI Voice Bots in Modern Business Operations

Artificial Intelligence has made its way into numerous fields of business, offering transformative solutions across various domains.

In May, I dedicated an entire presentation to this topic at the Sales Morphology conference. One aspect that particularly intrigued the audience was the potential of speech recognition and Voice-to-Data functions. Due to the high interest, I decided to delve deeper into this topic.

In today’s article, I talk about AI voice bots in the context of recruitment teams’ challenges.

But remember, this mind-blowing function also proves very valuable in Sales and Customer Service environments.

AI Voice Bot — What Is It?

An AI voice bot is a technological tool developed using the capabilities of telephone systems and artificial intelligence. It is most effective when integrated with CRM, customer service, or HCM/ATS systems. 

The primary advantage of any voice bot is the automation of data collection processes.

Thanks to the capabilities of AI, it can now more accurately resemble a human dialogue. Very impressively, it can communicate by using natural, conversational language. It gathers information provided during the phone call. But also: processes and generates responses contextually.

AI voice bots are particularly useful for recruitment teams, sales teams, and customer service agents. They are invaluable in temporary employment agencies, call centers, and courier companies. Furthermore, they are ideal for handling complaint processes, providing technical support, and responding to inquiries and information requests about offerings.

How Does an AI Voice Bot Work?

An AI voice bot operates thanks to six different technologies:

  1. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): Transforms speech into text, enabling the AI voice bot to understand user inputs.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Understands the context, detects intent, and extracts key information from conversations.
  3. Natural Language Generation (NLG): Creates natural, understandable responses and messages for the user.
  4. Text-to-Speech (TTS): Converts text into speech, allowing the AI voice bot to respond vocally.
  5. Backend Integration: AI voice bots can integrate with various systems and databases, providing real-time information access and task execution, such as checking account balances, booking appointments, or placing orders.
  6. Machine Learning: AI voice bots learn from user interactions, enabling personalized responses and improving service quality over time.

Difference Between Traditional and AI-powered Voice Bots

Traditional and AI voice bots differ significantly in technological advancement, flexibility, and their ability to understand and process natural language.

Your experience with a traditional voice bot may not bring back very positive memories. Pioneering technology has the tendency to generate certain inconveniences before it is perfected.

To eliminate them, a new, trouble-free version of the software is necessary; one that actually improves the lives of beneficiaries and generates savings for the investor.

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AI voice bot is just such a next stage in the evolution of a tool developed several years ago and already quite widely used.

You may associate traditional voice bots with the helpline of some banks or telecommunications providers.

They operate on the basis of a rigid script/scenario and without an AI element (i.e., machine learning skills) they are quite clunky. They can only recognize specific messages and do not allow the use of synonyms.

Their new version is much more user-friendly.

AI voice bot, just like a traditional voice-to-data solution, it can operate 24/7, it helps to scale service and minimize costs, but additionally: it learns from previous interactions and is able to provide answers consistent with the intention and context of the statement.

It can also easily switch to another language or provide additional context, even if that was not the initial purpose of the conversation.

Of course, within the indicated limits to avoid revealing sensitive information.

Traditional Voice Bot:

  • Limited to rigid conversation scripts, struggling with unexpected or complex queries.
  • Recognizes only specific commands and phrases defined in the scenario.
  • Does not retain context from previous interactions.
  • Users may experience frustration when the bot fails to recognize commands or answer questions.

AI Voice Bot:

  • Uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand user intent and context.
  • Capable of more natural and fluid conversations, even if user inputs do not match pre-defined commands.
  • Continuously learns from interactions, improving its ability to handle new situations and recognize new speech patterns.
  • Maintains context in longer conversations, enhancing user experience.
  • Integrates advanced machine learning and AI models, including deep neural networks.
  • Easily integrates with backend systems, databases, and platforms, suitable for complex applications in customer service, recruitment, healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more.

How AI Voice Bots Generate Savings?

Automating data collection processes on a large scale generates substantial savings for companies.

AI voice bots can handle phone calls outside standard working hours, eliminating the need to hire additional staff for night or weekend shifts.

They can also take on many routine tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, processing simple orders, and scheduling appointments, allowing employees to focus on more complex activities.

Faster and seamless service translates then into higher customer loyalty, leading to repeat purchases or participation in future recruitments.

AI voice bots can gather and analyze conversation data, providing insights into customer needs and preferences. This information can be used to optimize offerings and marketing strategies.

Additionally, AI voice bots can be programmed to recommend products, services, or recruitment projects, increasing the average transaction value or the efficiency of the hiring process.

AI Voice Bot — Use Case

AI voice bots are particularly useful for employment agencies, which handle a large volume of information about candidates, employers, employment conditions, and regulations. Coordinating project schedules, contractor databases, and incoming applications is a significant challenge. It’s no wonder that these organizations are pioneering AI voice bot applications.

AI voice bots can be used to:

  • Conduct initial recruitment interviews, such as confirming interest in a job offer or scheduling an interview with a recruiter
  • Collect or update missing data, such as driver’s license categories or email addresses
  • Answer candidate questions about job requirements or employment conditions
  • Coordinate schedules, such as reminding about upcoming contract start or end dates
  • Provide onboarding support, such as information about organizational culture and safety regulations
  • Conduct satisfaction surveys
  • Notify about new job offers.


AI voice bots automate data collection and user communication using natural language. They leverage technologies like speech recognition and synthesis, as well as natural language processing and generation. Integrating with CRM, customer service, and HCM/ATS systems, AI voice bots improve the efficiency of sales, customer service, and recruitment teams. Compared to traditional voice bots, they offer greater flexibility, better understanding of context and intent, and more natural interactions. They bring significant savings, operate outside standard working hours, enhance customer loyalty, and help optimize offerings and marketing strategies. They are particularly useful in organizations with extensive data processing needs, such as temporary employment agencies.

Get in touch if you’d like to get your own AI voice bot solution.

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